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Displaying episodes by topic: sex

Our co-host, Trevor has an unhealthy obsession with suppositories. You know that guy you never ask, "Hey, what is an NFT?" lest he talk your ear off? Well never ask Trevor, "Hey, what is a Rectal Rocket?" With that background, imagine our delight when we stumbled across Sarah Roberts and her company Cicatrix Labs. They make vaginal and rectal suppositories with cannabinoids in them! People have used these products to treat endometriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, pain during sex, and more. Even if you think suppositories are icky, after this conversation, you will find them obsession worthy too. Our My Cannabis Story is Dave Dormer of Cannanaskis, a cannabis tourism company.

Sunday, 25 August 2019 22:28

E34 - Sex and Pharmacy

Kieley Beaudry has so many facets to her cannabis knowledge, including Co-Founder of Parkland Flower Inc, President of the Alberta Cannabis Micro License Association, and parent of a child with Cystic Fibrosis (who uses cannabis).  But Kieley agreed to enlighten Kirk and Trevor on a delicate and often overlooked topic.  Kieley talks about cannabis as treatment for sexual dysfunction.  Kieley is not a health care professional, but is extremely well read and knowledgeable.  Kieley educates Trevor on topicals, suppositories and many other uses of cannabis especially as it pertains to female sexual health.  This episode is in no way graphic but it does acknowledge the existence of sex, so if you are listening with people with sensitive ears be aware.

Rahim Dhalla is a pharmacist and CEO of Hybrid Pharm in Ottawa.  Trevor constantly whines how he can't bring cannabis into his pharmacy to help patients.  Well Rahim has found a way.  Come listen to how Rahim helps patients with medical cannabis and he even compounds things like cannabis suppositories.  Rahim is dedicated to helping improve his patients' lives and he has found cannabis is an important tool in health care.