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Displaying episodes by topic: licensed producer

This episode of Reefer Medness - The Podcast features a discussion with a team of experts from BioSource Botanicals, including a pharmaceutical microbiologist, a cannabis clinician, and a pre-clinical research chemist. Kirk and Trevor discuss the importance of mitochondrial health and how the endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in maintaining it. The experts explain the benefits of using whole raw plant extracts, including the “ensemble effect” where different compounds work synergistically, and how this can be more effective than isolated cannabinoids. Kirk brings a My Cannabis Story from local budtenders and how they provide guidance to customers seeking cannabis-based wellness products.
Sunday, 26 January 2025 15:07

EV1 - Mitochondria Health with Expert Panel

This is our first full length Video episode. Kirk and Trevor talk with the research team from BioSource Botanicals, an international collaboration of independent researchers and experts who are uniting medicine with the wisdom of nature and modern science. Learn how cannabis is essential to mitochondria health and how raw cannabis creates an Ensemble, rather than an Entourage, Affect. In this episode passionate people go deep into the science of their one-of-a-kind therapeutics.


One sunny evening in the summer of 2020, Kirk and Trevor had a meeting on Kirk's driveway. Even though all indoor meetings were taboo, they met someone bursting with excitement. Eric Greening's face lit up as he described the cannabis growing facility he envisioned building north east of Dauphin.  Four years, a pandemic, spiraling inflation and all the other unknown unknowns of building a facility and starting a business are now behind the persistent Mr. Greening. As proud Dauphinites, we are excited to say Greencraft Cannabis is now selling product! And.... after much pestering, we got a peek inside! Come with us on an audio tour of the facility. There is a cannabis "tree" whose trunk Trevor can't wrap his hand around, a sunset room with alien-looking golden light, the secrets of how you control tiny invaders when you can't use any pesticides, and so much more!

More than 200,000 Canadians are registered Medical Cannabis patients.  Due to a cumbersome national system, many of these individuals discover the benefits of Cannabis alone, with little therapeutic expertise to guide them.  Learning about your medicine or just trying to access your medicine, these tasks are made easier when engaged with a business like Tantus Health; a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Their consultants design natural wellness plans to educate individuals and provide personal guides to alleviates those frustrating unknowns that come when using Cannabis as medicine.  In this episode, Kirk and Trevor discover a Canadian licensed medical cannabis company who: provides quality medicine consistently, forms strong relationships with their patients, and helps west coast first responders suffering from PTSD.  With Tantus Health, you are not alone with your prescribed cannabis.


Living without alcohol contamination may be an oxymoronic assertion for a licensed producer, specializing in cannabinoids extraction, to make. Typically, alcohol is a common solvent used to extract cannabinoids from cannabis plants. Trevor and Kirk are introduced to a new business in Dauphin. It partners with local hemp farmers to create a cannabis oil. Master Extractor Richard Spatola shares his origin story while sharing a meal in a restaurant. Afterwards, he takes the listeners into his processing plant to explain how he pulls out individual cannabinoids from hemp and cannabis plants to make alcohol-free oils. He and his team believe their process is the future of medical cannabis oils. This episode goes deep into how time, pressure, and temperature are the key components to producing solventless cannabis oils for those consumers preferring products without residual solvents in their medicine.

Tuesday, 02 May 2023 13:19

E102 - Catch Up with Kieley Beaudry

Kieley is in the lead as our most interviewed guest. Kirk still teases Trevor how he blushed back on E34 when Trevor and Kieley talked about cannabis and sexual dysfunction. We talked to her on the Craft Cannabis Panel on E63 and during our trip to Calgary Hemfest in E78. Today we catch up with this cannabis entrepreneur and force of nature. The company she founded, Parkland Flower, is winning awards and she is pursuing new ventures with Hyde Advisory and Investments. Come listen to the evolution of a entrepreneur and where Kieley thinks the cannabis space is headed!

On July 23, 1983 at an altitude of 41,000 feet, Air Canada Flight 143 travelling between Montreal and Edmonton ran out of fuel because of confusion between metric and imperial measurements. However, the crew of the Boeing 767 successfully landed the passenger jet in Manitoba’s Interlake in what is now known as the Gimli Glider. That intrepid flight crew applied their years of training and experience to an unprecedented situation to become heroes. Much like when a PhD with international training in biochemistry, genetics and pharmaceutical manufacturing successfully glides into the cannabis space. Meet Dr. Brent Guppy and BioScision Pharma. This wide-ranging conversation covers sexing plants, topicals with microbial contamination, testing cannabis for heavy metals and our new favorite word to try to say five times fast “nanoemulsions”. Did we mention BioScision’s retail line, Hwy 59 Cannabis, has a vape cart named after the famous unpowered Boeing 767 that landed in a certain Icelandic town?

Tuesday, 26 July 2022 14:38

E88 - Road Story - Cannabis on the Go

Kirk and Trevor bring you a Road Story that they didn’t need to leave home to find. A Mobile Cannabis Shop parked at Dauphin’s Countryfest, Canada’s longest running country music festival. Delta 9, Manitoba’s own Licensed Producer, made history as this was the first Mobile Cannabis store in Canada! The Delta 9 Mobile Cannabis Store was licensed by the Liquor Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba to sell cannabis at the 2022 Dauphin’s Countryfest site and again the 2022 Rockin’ the Fields of Minnedosa site later in the summer. Marshall Posner, Chief Marketing Officer for Delta 9, explained the nuances of selling cannabis at an outdoor summer music festival and how this was a history making event. Did Cannabis bring a new “chill” to Canada’s hottest country music festival? Have a listen and discover Cannabis is on the Go in Manitoba.

At the beginning of the Pandemic, we met Eric Greening. He wanted to start a craft cannabis operation just outside our hometown of Dauphin. We check in with Eric and see how pandemic construction has been going, and as a preview for our eventual facility tour! Trevor and Kirk also discuss what Trevor is and is not allowed to tell patients about cannabis as a pharmacist. Our My Cannabis story is HiND. They make special jars for your cannabis and other fashion items.

Thursday, 11 November 2021 09:07

E78 - Buyer Beware; Buyer Bewildered

Do you have a favourite craft cannabis flower? Are you getting what you think you ordered? Think again. While attending the Calgary Hempfest, Kirk and Trevor gathered five Micro Cultivation License holders (plus a surprise cameo contributor!) to discuss the recreational cannabis retail space. The conversation revealed a complicated system of regulations, policies, and red tape which affect their ability to build brand loyalty. Although these passionate growers produce excellent weed, it is surprisingly difficult for their high quality, small batch, hand trimmed product to reach you, the consumer. Packaging, sale by lottery, and ambiguously named SKU's are some of the many convoluted rules of the game. Kirk and Trevor ponder whether the current recreational cannabis system actually prevents us from properly understanding the cannabis product we are purchasing, and how small cannabis producers might eventually break even.

Philippe Lucas from Tilray comes on the discuss the TOPS (Tilray Observational Patient Study).  It looked at around 2000 medical cannabis patients across Canada prospectively and gather tons of data.  Some of the most interesting findings include medicating with cannabis seems to reduce opioid use and the use of prescription medications in general.  Plus, there was no signal that the study participants wanted more and more cannabis which implies limited drug seeking and addition behaviors from medical cannabis.  Numbers, data, cannabis, a great chat with Philippe, are you as excited as Trevor about this one?  Have a listen.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021 12:22

E63 - Craft Cannabis Panel

Is it the future? Kirk and Trevor delve into the craft cannabis market, again. In this episode, they gather a unique panel of Cannabis enthusiasts, willing to share their views on growing small batches of their best. A British Columbia computer geek turned owner, an Alberta legacy grower gone legit, and a Manitoba seed archivist waiting on a license for his genetics, each speak to what makes their cannabis strains and techniques important to creating a craft cannabis market place. The panel agrees the best fertilizer is the shadow of the gardener and any licenced producer can grow good weed. But, what is their collective agreement, what is the definitive determination of craft cannabis? It may depend on how they treat their flowers at harvest, or possibly the hang-to-dry or lay-to-dry technique. How long do they leave their flower to cure? What if the flower is traveling in plastic to market? Defining craft cannabis may actually mean buying straight from the farmer but, this is not possible yet. Have a listen to how these growers define craft while creating niche markets for their small businesses.

Tuesday, 12 January 2021 12:15

E62 - Hybrid Pharm Redux - Rahim Dhalla

One of the reason Reefer MEDness started was becasuse Trevor couldn't understand why medicinal cannabis wasn't in pharmacies.  Well, all the barriers aren't down yet but meet Rahim Dhalla.  We've talked to Rahim before, but this time we dive into the workings of his pharmacy, Hybrid Pharm.  Hybrid Pharm is a regular pharmacy where you can pick up your diabetes meds, get your flu shot and lately they are even doing COVID-19 testing.  But Hybrid Pharm is special for many reasons.  Not the least of which is, if all the paperwork is in place, you can walk into Hybrid Pharm and pick up your medicinal cannabis.  Welcome to the future, as Kirk and Trevor talk with Rahim about how this all works.

Monday, 21 September 2020 08:35

E55 - Greencraft Cannabis with Mr. Greening


How do we define “Craft Cannabis” in Canada? Greencraft Cannabis, a local Manitoba grow operation, is out to answer this question. Eric Greening discusses the process of obtaining his Health Canada micro cultivation licence and how his new company will grow smaller batches putting the plant first. Not only has Health Canada created opportunity for smaller craft growers to finally legally enter the cannabis space, these new licences have also fashioned economic development opportunities for rural communities. Kirk and Trevor question whether the path craft cannabis businesses follow will be similar to the craft beer industry? They ponder how large growers will compete with this new craft market place. This episode marks the start of a planned series exploring the question above.
Friday, 07 February 2020 22:09

E45 - Hemp Sense and CBDilities

Kirk goes for a snowmobile ride and ends up in Gilbert Plains.  He drops in on Hemp Sense and Lyall Bates graciously gives him an interview.  Learn how Hemp Sense technology is on the cutting edge of getting CBD's out of industrial hemp.  And this isn't from a well controlled green house.  This is industrial hemp from an open field.  And it is harder than you'd think.  If you don't immediately get the hemp buds off the field and start drying and curing them in a couple hours, all the CBD is destroyed by composting.  Hemp Derived CBD is all the rage.  Come listen to an expert on how to get it off the field.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018 22:33

S2E1 - Legal Weed...

What is the name of the trophy Governor General of Canada of 1892 had named after him?  Need a hint?  The winners of the trophy in 1971-72 had their names misspelled on the trophy as the “Boston Bruins.”   What does that trophy have to do with Dauphin and the fact recreational Cannabis will be legal October 17/18?  Find out, plus learn all sorts of interesting details about legalization from the CEO of Delta-9 John Arbuthnot.  Come for the mystery.  Stay for the Cannabis legalization education!  My Cannabis story is a young woman with pain from cancer treatment... with a happy ending!