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Displaying episodes by topic: addictions

Monday, 04 October 2021 09:40

E73 - Opioid Taper with Cannabis Guidelines

We are in an opioid crisis. Wouldn't it be great if we had another tool to taper people to a lower opioid dose or off their opioids altogether? A group of almost 20 experts got together and drew up consensus guidelines on how to taper opioids with cannabis. We got Aaron Sihota - Pharmacist, Dr. Brennan K. Smith, PhD, and Dr. Colleen O'Connell MD from the consensus guidelines group together virtually to discuss how the guidelines were drawn up and how cannabis can help fight the opioid crisis

One of a series of episodes focusing on cannabis use in opioid harm reduction, Kirk brings a story of one man’s experience. The episode follows a discussion Kirk has with Mr. Mark Heinrich who is “a craft cannabis farmer in Manitoba, Canada and pretty much a lifelong junkie and addict.” The episode follows Heinrich’s years of problematic substance use, leads us into his experiences with Methadone and how he self-medicates with cannabis. This episode is a very personal journey presented as information on how one man uses his medicine in harm reduction. Kirk and Trevor then discuss their personal views of Mark’s story; each approaching it through their individual professional lens.  

Philippe Lucas from Tilray comes on the discuss the TOPS (Tilray Observational Patient Study).  It looked at around 2000 medical cannabis patients across Canada prospectively and gather tons of data.  Some of the most interesting findings include medicating with cannabis seems to reduce opioid use and the use of prescription medications in general.  Plus, there was no signal that the study participants wanted more and more cannabis which implies limited drug seeking and addition behaviors from medical cannabis.  Numbers, data, cannabis, a great chat with Philippe, are you as excited as Trevor about this one?  Have a listen.

Friday, 26 March 2021 10:46

E66 - Peter Grinspoon

Remember when we could sit next to people on a plane?  Imagine sitting next to a guy who said he was a Havard trained doc, who has pictures of himself learning to read on Carl Sagan's lap, who wrote a book on overcoming his own opioid addiction and who happens to think cannabis is a great medicine for treating many conditions.  Wouldn't that be the best plane conversation ever?  Well, buckle in, put up your tray table and return your seat to the upright and locked position.  We are about the take off with Dr. Peter Grinspoon.

Thursday, 30 May 2019 13:22

S3E8 - Pastor, Pot, and Prophets

Did Jesus die on the cross? Was Moses influenced by cannabis when speaking to the Lord? Are Christian Churches embracing Cannabis? First up we meet the founding member of Christian Cannabis, Craig Gross. Once known as the “Porn Pastor,” Gross has a new message for Christian leaders. We learn how cannabis facilitated his personal journey and how he came to a cross roads. Gross once focused on helping porn-addicted Christians kick their habit.  Now he is focused on how Christians can be healed by this ancient plant. Next we explore the origins of cannabis. Researcher Chris Bennett connects cannabis to world religion and how it spread from one culture to another. He speaks to how biblical Prophets, Knights Templars, and the Messiah himself, were connected to cannabis by reframing our trusted biblical stories. Bennett says cannabis has been part of human history from the beginning. The legalization of cannabis demands philosophical discussions and these two guests bring a deep conversion to what may be our most controversial episode yet.


Wednesday, 10 October 2018 08:04

S2E3 - Addictions and Economics

Are we addicted to taxes?  Trevor and Kirk talk to Dr. Jason Childs.  He is an economist who says whether you want to reduce harm from cannabis or increase government coffers then keep taxes on cannabis low.  In fact, having the government subsidize licensed producers might be a brilliant idea.  In part 2 we have Dr. Jonathon Stea.  He is a psychologist who has studied and treated cannabis addiction.  Surprisingly, cannabis is probably going to be both worse and better than you imagine post legalization.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018 09:32

S1E1 - Why Worry? - Harm Reduction and Cannabis

"First, do no harm."  Kirk, a nurse, and Trevor, a pharmacist always make sure the treatments they offer their patients don't make the patient's lives worse.  What about cannabis?  Will it do more harm than good?  Listen to the interview with Dr. Sherry Fandry from the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.