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University of Arkansas

Thursday, 15 August 2019 14:28

E33 - Liver Let Die? A CDB Story

"Marijuana Study Finds CBD Can Cause Liver Damage".  This article in Forbes by Mike Adams blew up on Cannabis Twitter.  What is the truth?  Does the ubiquitous CBD beat up on the poor defenceless liver?  Is this just junk science and hyperbole?  Well...we called up the study authors and asked them.  Get ready to be schooled by Dr. Igor Koturbash , Dr. Bill J. Gurly and Dr. Mitchell R. McGill.  This conversation goes through the basic science involved in toxicology studies for any new medication.  Get ready to nerd out on why mice are really livers with legs, acute vs chronic dosing studies and much more.  Spoiler alert... these highly educated gentlemen don't hate CBD.  They just want there to be more study on what CBD does to the liver and how it might effect other medications a person is taking.  Be mindful in your cannabinoid use and have a listen.