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In this episode, Kirk learns how the law was on the side of righteousness when Owen Smith found himself in front of the Supreme Court of Canada defending a desire to help others. In the first part of a longer discussion, listeners gain insights to his six-year legal journey which ends with him becoming a medical cannabis industry advocate and influencer. His cannabis story started with family, but it was a faulty exhaust fan and loud music which moved the Victoria Police Department to deliver, “rock star treatment” during his arrest for creating cannabis edibles. He explains how a legal technicality brought him to the Supreme Court, while the Canadian court system actually supported his efforts creating cookies for medical cannabis patients.

Thursday, 11 November 2021 09:07

E78 - Buyer Beware; Buyer Bewildered

Do you have a favourite craft cannabis flower? Are you getting what you think you ordered? Think again. While attending the Calgary Hempfest, Kirk and Trevor gathered five Micro Cultivation License holders (plus a surprise cameo contributor!) to discuss the recreational cannabis retail space. The conversation revealed a complicated system of regulations, policies, and red tape which affect their ability to build brand loyalty. Although these passionate growers produce excellent weed, it is surprisingly difficult for their high quality, small batch, hand trimmed product to reach you, the consumer. Packaging, sale by lottery, and ambiguously named SKU's are some of the many convoluted rules of the game. Kirk and Trevor ponder whether the current recreational cannabis system actually prevents us from properly understanding the cannabis product we are purchasing, and how small cannabis producers might eventually break even.

Saturday, 06 March 2021 10:33

E65 - Growing at Home with Sue and Chase

Friend of the show Sue Letwin uses cannabis to treat her Lyme Disease.  She cooks with cannabis.  She teaches people to cook with cannabis.  She is really getting into cannabis education, in general.  But she had never grown her own.  She was really curious about the plant and wanted to know everything about it.  So she tried.  And along the way she found help, encouragement and mentors.  One of those mentors is Chase.  Have you ever thought about growing your own?  Come listen to Sue's journey and Chase's advice and we can all learn together.


Bald, gloved, masked up and looking for drug dealer in New York.  This is not a recent COVID-19 story.  This is a story of former pro soccer player Ethan Zohn.  Ethan didn't do drugs in his youth because he was an elite athlete.  Now in his thirties, Ethan had cancer, and cannabis helped his symptoms.  As a chemotherapy patient, he had to go to the illegal market to get his cannabis.  Ethan Zohn is a world traveller, sports commentator, public speaker and, oh yeah, he won Survivor Africa in 2001.  Ethan is back in the 40th Season of Survivor: Winners at War.
Join Kirk and Trevor to find out how older brothers kicking balls at your head can be a career path.  Listen about how Ethan's Grassroots Soccer helps with HIV in Africa, a quick dip into his run ins with Donald Trump and his new venture with Montkush Farms.           
Aldofo Gonzalez may be the most interesting man in Canadian Cannabis.  His story ranges from Zaptista's in Mexico to Berkley City Council to UBC.  He's run a clinical trial to reduce methadone use with cannabis substitution.  He helped write the regulations for Vancouver's dispensaries pre-national legalization.  He helped medicinal patients feel better and helped recreational users appreciate cannabis like vinophiles appreciate wine.  Aldofo's latest venture, CannaReps, aims to up the game in cannabis education.  CannaReps courses focus on the human experience and take a hands on approach to Cannabis education for the CEO of an LP and the canna-curious consumer alike.  And you won't want to miss the next Collector's Cup.  Join Trevor and Kirk to listen to an entrancing life story, a history lesson in Canadian Cannabis and learn a little bit too.
Friday, 20 March 2020 18:42

E47 - David Crosby: Mighty Croz

“David Crosby, I read your chart man” is how Kirk starts his long-awaited chat with one of pop-culture’s most notorious Cannabis influencers. In 50-years, David Crosby has had a very public relationship with cannabis, addictions, incarceration, and relationships, which he willingly discusses. With thoughtful understanding that these past behaviours are well reported elsewhere, Kirk digs into current events asking his guest to speak to his new relationship with legal and medicinal cannabis. They discuss his involvement with NORML, his “Mighty Croz” branding, focusing mostly on his medical uses of cannabis; they even exchange their wives’ cookie recipe and how cannabis has become a very calculated element of David Crosby’s day-to-day creative life-style.

Thursday, 13 February 2020 16:18

E46 - Bif Naked and Mona Lisa Healing

Trevor and Kirk continue their CBD exploration with a Canadian Icon.  Bif Naked, one of Canada’s best selling musicians shares her “my Cannabis story”  sharing how she watched CBD help various members of her family, peer group, and eventually how she too benefited from daily dosing.  Bif Naked discusses her formative years in Dauphin, her experiences with cancer, volunteerism, and how she hopes to change the world with her new ethically centred CBD business called Mona Lisa Healing. Settle back and enjoy this wonderful women’s exploits and wait for the surprise ending to this epic episode.

Kirk and Trevor are live on stage at HempFest Saskatoon for a second time!  This time Trevor talks with Sue Letwin(@LetwinSue).  Sue has Lyme Disease.  She explains how this misunderstood condition effects her life and how cannabis is helping her.  In fact she finds the THC helps her more than CBD.  And she make her own edibles.  Come learn from Sue with us!


 Kirk and Trevor were live on stage at HempFest Canada in Saskatoon June 2019 with Jacqui Childs (@JacquiChilds).  Jacqui talks about her journey with Cannabis helping her with Crohn's, anxiety and depression.  Now that Cannabis has helped her, Jacqui wants to help others.  This savy social media marketer and author tells Kirk how she gets her message about cannabis out to the world.