Erin O'Shaughnessy
Friday, 15 February 2019 07:50
S3E1 - Team Wellness
Did you know some nurses could write prescriptions? Kirk talks to Nurse Practitioner Erin O'Shaughnessy about her practice. Erin works for Nalanda Health and prescribes cannabis for clients in need of help. Trevor talks to Carl Byrne a pharmacist at Nalanda Health who acts as a cannabis educator for Erin's clients. What does a medical cannabis clinic look like post legalization? How do these health care professional work together? Why shouldn't you just go to a recreational cannabis store and try some cannabis for your medical condition on your own. Listen and hear what Trevor and Kirk find out!
Plus a new My Cannabis Story from Jaqui Childs! - find her on @jacquichilds on Instagram.
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