The science, fact-based exploration, into how Cannabis helps people is growing. Seminars are happening throughout the world, all matters surrounding Cannabis are shared following acceptable professional progressive methodologies. Proper science is happening, yet the average Canadian health care practitioner remains ignorant when it is our responsibility to apply best practices. The primary focus of the Canadian health system is to view, promote, and treat cannabis as a substance of misuse. How can this not be embarrassing to those medically trained professionals who still apply debunked myths to clinical interventions.
Our goal is to create a destination; a place you can come to explore cannabis as we too learn. Here, on these pages called "CannaBites," we are exploring the deeper science of Cannabis while attempting to focus on the simplicity of the words we use within the explanation. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact us.

Cannabis as Medicine Part 1
How is cannabis used as medicine? Is there an advantage to using Cannabis as medicine?

Endocannabinoid System 101 – Introduction
For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.
To start off Canna-Bites, I’m trying to encapsulate the endocannabinoid system or do an Endocannabinoid System 101. That means I decided to pick the largest, most complicated “thing” in the whole cannab…