E140 - Raw Cannabis and Mitochondria Health Part 1
EV1 - Mitochondria Health with Expert Panel
This is our first full length Video episode. Kirk and Trevor talk with the research team from BioSource Botanicals, an international collaboration of independent researchers and experts who are uniting medicine with the wisdom of nature and modern science. Learn how cannabis is essential to mitochondria health and how raw cannabis creates an Ensemble, rather than an Entourage, Affect. In this episode passionate people go deep into the science of their one-of-a-kind therapeutics. https://biosourcebotanicals.com
E139 – Everyday feels like Friday with High Day
E138 – Setting Standards with EduCanNation
Here is yet another story of how individuals found cannabis to be beneficial for their own personal medical needs. The difference in this story? These people went on to grow a grassroots organization called EduCanNation, a non-profit association of Certified Cannabis Educators. While many traditional healthcare professions remain hesitant or outright dismissive of cannabis medicine, EduCanNation is stepping up to bridge the gap between scientific understanding, consumer needs, and the ever-changing legal landscape. The leaders within EduCanNation aim to set the national standards for all Cannabis Coaches and Educators. In this episode, Kirk and Trevor continue their discussion on the emergence of Cannabis Coaches and Educators—an unregulated, but increasingly necessary role—seems to be a natural response to the gaps in education and access that exist in the heavily regulated cannabis space.
E137 - Ethan Russo - Anxiety, Limonene & CBG
Dr. Ethan Russo has made immense contributions to the understanding of cannabis. 2024 was particularly productive as Dr. Russo’s name kept popping up in some very interesting papers. We got him to chat with us about two of them.
First there is the entourage effect paper. The entourage effect is the idea that different cannabinoids, terpenes and other components of the cannabis plant work together synergistically to give a desired effect. Professor Raphael Mechoulam and colleagues first talked about the entourage effect amongst endogenous cannabinoids in the human body. Dr. Ethan Russo and others have expanded the idea to phytocannabinoids and other cannabis plant components. But it is still just an idea. Now there is a trial that looks at if inhaled limonene makes THC cause less anxiety in people. This could be the beginning of the evidence to validate the entourage effect.
Second, we chatted about a CBG paper. We have a lovely sound bite that describes CBG as a “bubble bath for your brain”. This study gives us some early evidence of the clinical effects of CBG, and whether it actually reduces anxiety.
Let’s do some learning!
E136 - The Cannabis Coach: An unregulated health educator
The Canadian Medical Cannabis Program has been available for more than two decades, yet the process of obtaining cannabis as medicine remains very cumbersome. In comparison, Recreational Cannabis, seen as a substance of misuse, is easy to acquire. When people express an interest in trying cannabis as a medicine to their health care team, many health practitioners simply direct their patients toward the Rec market knowing (or maybe not) the restrictions the Cannabis Act places on budtenders. Budtenders cannot discuss health conditions with customers. While many health professionals continue to ignore the highly regulated medicinal cannabis system, a group of entrepreneurs calling themselves Cannabis Coaches, are filling the need. In this episode we learn how certified Cannabis Coach Terese Bowors started a small business educating people about medicinal cannabis. We come to understand how a group of non-regulated health educators are developing their own Standards of Practice.
E135 – Shiva Dances within Buddha’s Garden
Regular users of cannabis will -- often self-consciously -- admit to having a spiritual relationship with the plant. Will Johnson, a teacher of Buddhist dharma since 1972, explains how he is ‘something of an anomaly and outlier when it comes to the use of cannabis.’ In his book “Cannabis in Spiritual Practice: The Ecstasy of Shiva, The Calm of Buddha,” Will applies his understandings with living by The Buddhist’s precepts, as an adult. He believes his positive pathways toward full Embodiment is better achieved when he weaves his dance with Shiva, while enjoying the fruits of Buddha’s Garden. In this episode, Kirk and Trevor conclude Will may be onto something. What if everyone in the world simply took a few deep breathes, passes the chillum, and spontaneously started to dance? What if…
E134 - Hilal Kalkan - Statins, MicroRNA and Cannabinoids
E133 - Endometriosis and Dr. Genester Wilson-King
E132 - Road Stories #5 - 2024
VanHoot is now traveling the roads of northern British Columbia. While Michelle is off filling their cupboards and cooler, Kirk and River explore the resale cannabis market in those small communities they visit. Kirk records some of the discussions collecting cannabis stories to better understand cannabis from the budtenders’ perspective. In this episode, we learn: how cannabis is marketed day-to-day, is a part time job for busy people, and is also positively affecting smaller community. At one point Kirk sniffs resale cannabis from Mason Jars envisioning the future farmgate access. When you listen to a Road Story episode, you are transported into the continuing adventures of VanHoot and its occupants.