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E68 - What's in your weed?

Every home grower is proud of their harvest, yet many can only guess at the THC strength and Terpene profiles of their crop. In this episode, Trevor and Kirk explore how to unlock the mysteries of homegrown cannabis by having it analysed by Key Box, a business offering discreet opportunities to know our cannabis better. Certainly, medicinal and recreational growers will like knowing the strength of their THC and CBD concentrations but at the same time, they will become better farmers by understanding the strength of other cannabinoids such as CBG and CBN. In another panel discussion, Trevor and Kirk consider how a mail order business provides home growers a better understanding of their beloved plants.

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Saturday, 24 April 2021 10:28

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Music By

Desiree Dorion
Marc Clement

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Read 2831 times

Episode Transcript

Trevor: Kirk We're back. 

Kirk: Hey, Trevor, how's it going? 

Trevor: Good. I really like this one. I like all of them, but we got to see some people we haven't seen in a while and they're doing some different stuff. And I like this because we have we have a bit of a science history. We have a bit of people pivoting with Covid story and more about people growing cannabis. So, it was it was an interesting group. 

Kirk: Yeah, well, and it's interesting Trevor because in the last few episodes, we've kind of teased into this one. We talked to, you know, High-on-Home grown group of guys. We talked to Sue and Chase about growing. Well, in some of these episodes, I've come out and said that I have a medical license. I broke a few ribs on the bike tracks and Dauphin a few, well several months ago and got medical cannabis to take care of the pains, aches and pains. With the medical cannabis comes the opportunity to grow. Now, we know in Manitoba we can't grow recreationally. So, because of my medical license, I had an opportunity to access homegrown cannabis. So, because of being a health care professional, I want to understand the homegrown cannabis. And so, we met Sasha, Stephanie and Rod. We met them in Hempfest Saskatoon. We met Sasha there. Stephanie is with Keystone Labs and Rod is with Key Box. So what I am 

Trevor: We actually even met Jody McDonald, who is the founder of Keystone Labs. And at that point, Jody, among other things, was selling Key Box. 

Kirk: Yes. So Hempfest Company bought the Key Box. And I access the Key Box to find out more about my about the homegrown I have access to. Now, the thing about this Trevor that I think is important is that we have often said that people that are using cannabis are medicating. Obviously, reefer medicine people are, but also the reefer mellow people are also self-medicating with recreational cannabis. Well, I want to be a proponent of ensuring you understand what you're getting. So, we submitted the homegrown that I had access to Key Box. And this is the story. So, I guess let's sneak in and see... 

Trevor: Before you do, I just think it's interesting, since I've been talking about this episode, two things sort of came up just in people I'm talking to around town. One, was somebody, they have access to we'll call it grey market cannabis, and they are cooking with it, and this lady's biggest concern was she has no idea how much THC is in the cannabis she's cooking. So, you know, she's she's making stuff. She bought a Magic Buttermaker to  make cookies. But, you know, she said, yeah, that's all well and good. But I have no idea how strong this cannabis is and somebody else who her first thought was ummmm so could anybody sort of submit it? Because, again, she knows a different we'll call it grey market cannabis person. 

Kirk: And it's not a grey market cannabis. It's gifting in Canada we're allowed to gift. 

Trevor: We'll just I don't get into all the details about how they get it, but they have some not bought at a commercial store cannabis, and they were wondering how much THC etc was. So this episode was just really timely. Lots of people were interested. 

Kirk: Well, there's lots of I mean, one of the things that happened in Christmas 2018 is a lot of people were getting cannabis for Christmas; as gifts. So I'm sure there are people who are medicinally growing cannabis and they're allowed to gift it. So your friend has received gifted cannabis, possibly from a legacy grower. But you know, what she can do is that there's nothing in the paperwork that Key Box provided me that asked where the cannabis came from. 

Trevor: Yes. So and that's what I that's what I told her. So, yeah. Just I know I'm jumping on your story, but it was just interesting when I start telling people how many people were, oh, that's really neat. How do you do that? 

Kirk: Well, but this is what makes this story interesting. This is why I want to tell this story, because there are people who are growing their own medicine. And I mean, in regards to my story, is that I was, as it so happened, sitting outside in the summer and a friend of ours who is medicinal user walked by and was talking about it. And I explained to him I had recently become a medicinal user of cannabis because of the fractured ribs or the hurt booboos I had. And he was talking to me how he grows. And I said, well, and that's how I got started with it. And I said, well, what do you got here? Well, I got some AK 47. And so I got involved with him and learning about the cannabis and. Yeah, so I sent it off because I want to know I want to know what I've got, what product I have. I mean, one of the nice things about legalization of cannabis compared to the day old, you know, when your buddy gave your one finger, two finger sandwich bag of weed, it's really good stuff. Well, now we know what it is. And that's what I'm encouraging people to do. If you do have opportunity to get cannabis gifted or growing medicinal, send it away, learn about it, because not only did we learn about the cannabinoids Trevor, we also learned about the Terpenes that are involved with the cannabis. So this business tests for cannabinoids and for Terpenes. And Sasha gets into the story. So let's meet let's meet our guests, 

Trevor: get a listen to Sasha. 

Sasha: Yeah. So I'm Sasha from Hempfest, Canada. And we started working with Keystone, Keystone Labs way back when we started Hempfest in 2015. And we've created a great relationship with them. And they always had the Key Box that all of our shows. And it was something that I always thought was a very, a product that needed bigger light shined on it, shined on it. And we really wanted to partner with them on something. And we found that the Key Box was a good, good place to start. We have two online conferences, the C45 summit, which is coming up May 17, 18, 19. And then we also have the growing summit that is coming up April 26, 27, 28. And both of those are cannabis business summits. One is focused towards the QAB of the industry and the other one is focused towards the growers of the industry. So ya, we've moved both of those online and Hempfest is on hold right now until we're able to gather people together again. I think it's a really great product for people to learn more and get access, you know, easy access to a lab. They don't have to go into the lab. They don't have to do any of those things. They just get the box and send away their sample and then they're able to learn a lot more about their grow whether that's what terpenes profiles are in there. And we all know that Terpenes are becoming one of the biggest things we talk about in cannabis now is every time you go to the store, everybody wants to know what Terpenes are present because people are shopping and growing based on Terpenes now. So. I think that's a really vital thing that people are starting to learn more about and want to find out what Terpenes are present in their grow that they have. 

Kirk: So that was Sasha. All right. So let's meet Stephanie now. Stephanie. I don't remember meeting Stephanie in Saskatoon Trevor. 

Trevor: No, Stephanie sorry if I've got this wrong, but I don't think Stephanie was with Key Box yet. I think Stephanie came on with the Keystone lab yet. I think she came on in sort of the media relations, what are the public facing people a little later on as far as Keystone was getting bigger. 

Kirk: OK, so if our listeners want to go back into Hempfest, Saskatoon E36 - the fourth Potpourri, that's where we meet Keystone Labs. And they talk a little bit about the Key Box there. 

Trevor: Yes. And Jody McDonald, she's the liberal founder of Keystone Labs. 

Kirk: So let's listen to Stephanie. 

Stephanie: Thank you, Kirk. So Keystone Labs, we don't own a Key Box anymore. We did sell it to Hempfest. However, we do all of the testing and we still help to promote it. It is definitely a product that we really believe in, and it is the product that brought us really close to medical growers. And Keystone learned a lot about cannabis from these type of clients actually. So they are still near and dear to our heart and our community. And again, we helped to promote Key Box. And so and we test a lot of Key Boxes these days. There is still great interest from serious growers, as well as ACMPR growers that are now transitioning to the legal market. They will use the Key Box to pheno hunt or cultivar hunt as well. And it allows them to do it in a cost-effective way ahead of their licensing really. And it also brings us in touch with these folks to have deeper conversations about how you're growing, how you're going to be growing GPPN environment. And then we work a lot with the four plant growers as well, hobby growers, whether they're indoor or outdoor, and they have their four plants and they want to know what's in it. And people are sometimes happily surprised or just surprised about what's in their cannabis. And I think it brings up really important questions about what you think is in your product. I don't know how many times I hear people saying that my weed absolutely has the highest THC. And, you know, I will have a conversation with them about, well, don't be surprised if the THC isn't through the roof, but maybe you do have great weed and it's because of your Terpenes, maybe the other cannabinoids like THCV and also the Key Box can help growers in terms of their harvest time. When we see high CBG and lower THC, especially when a grower expects the THC to be higher, we can point to the CBG levels and saying, we're not plant scientists but from what we understand, this may be a consideration that you may have harvested early. So that's some of the information that it's really good for. 

Kirk: So that's kind of cool. I love I love the fact that we learn a little bit about CBG and I love the fact that we learn a little bit about CBN. And I think where did we learn this Trevor that CBG is the that that is the first cannabinoid that is formed in the plant and then that converts the THCA. 

Trevor: And we've heard it a couple of times. Emilie, the chemist who we talked to really early on, might have mentioned it. And my memory is failing me, but I'm thinking Jodi McDonald might have mentioned it as well. 

Kirk: Yeah. And I've been doing nothing but transcribing. We're going to have to we're going to have to talk about a new Web page, but that's where I probably remember this from. So, it's kind of cool. Is another advantage of getting your cannabis tested by a lab is you can also learn a little bit about your gardening. And it seems like I may have harvested our homegrown a little early because my CBGs were a little high. So, let's learn a little bit about CBGs from Rod. 

Rod: Yes, so just to talk a little bit about the biosynthetic pathway of cannabinoids, so everything starts with CBGA, of course that's the acid form and then everything breaks down from that. CBG goes into THC, and CBD as well. And so you need CBG to make everything. Yeah. So, there's potential there for that CBGA to actually turn into THC. You probably could have left it another week possibly before you harvest just to push that biosynthetic pathway into those other cannabinoids. The other one we really look for is CBN. CBN is a breakdown of THC. So, if your product is getting old, it will break down to that cannabinoid. So, again, that's another indicator that you your cannabis is old and the THC is breaking down. 

Trevor: So, Kirk, I like the explanations from Rod, but you are a customer at this point. You got stuff packaged up and sent off to Key Box. How did that happen? 

Kirk: OK, so yeah, I guess we should explain that. Basically, I received the square box about two and a half, three inches deep in about seven, eight inches square, very nondescript, very nothing, nothing that would be worrisome. It got in the mail and as a couple of test tubes measuring stick, pretty much everything was in there for me to paint-by-numbers. And what I had to do, which was kind of interesting. You watch a video. So they do have this posted on online, watch the video and then what they ask you to do. And Stephanie gets into this later in the interview, you take pieces from the plant, so you take from the top of the plant the bud, from the side of the plant and from the bottom. Now, I grew four plants that I access. So I had I tested all four of the plants. And you bring together a I don't know what I had a couple milligrams and that maybe about 10 milligrams from various parts of the plant from various plants, put them into a blender and made flour out of them. And then so I'm now combining the four plants from various parts and I've then take a measuring spoon and they literally take a measuring spoon. And you, like you watch a baker, they take and they slide it off. So, it's exactly point. What is it? Point one milligram or whatever it is, table's teaspoon quarter teaspoon. Put it into a test tube and shake that hell out of it. And that was a big part of it. Shake, shake, shake, shake and send it back to them. Now that I can't remember. Did I have to take. I had to take. I had to take that off and pour that into into another test tube. 

Trevor: But long and short of it, the instructions were pretty simple, not difficult for you to do in your own house.

Kirk: Not at all. Not at all. Very simple. And again, then you put it back and they recycle a fair bit. They recycle a fair bit of what they send you. So you put it all back in the box and they send you a return address and stamp and it's all part of the cost and packed away and sent to and about, gosh, four or five weeks. It was Christmas, of course. So, it was delayed. So, and that was a caveat. But the results came back via email. And I'm going to post the results for people on the Web page. And yes, so that came back. 

Trevor: Now, I think when we go back now into the interview, Rod's going to tell us what happened after a box like yours ends up on his bench, correct? 

Kirk: Yeah. So, listen to Rod. 

Rod: So now what happens is we take that sample and we dilute it out into several different dilutions, usually with the cannabinoids for dried flower. It's usually a 1:5 dilution and then we do a 1:20 dilution. Then what we do is those two dilutions are put onto an HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography. It basically allows us to separate and isolate the cannabinoids. First of all, then when we're we run standards at different concentrations to get a standard curve, we use five points to get a straight-line standard curve. And then based on the quantitation or the signal of each cannabinoid, we can quantitate each cannabinoid using that technique. 

Trevor: OK, and just for curiosity sake, how long does it take to run Kirk's sample 

Rod: Kirk's sample take sixteen minutes, so the first eight minutes, HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) actually flushes and cleans itself out in between each sample and then the next eight minutes it runs the sample and then grab it. And then once Kirk's samples done, it will go grab another sample and continue that process until all the samples are completed in the queue. So the first part of the queue is the standards. We have eight cannabinoids at five different concentrations and then behind there cued up are all the samples from the Key Boxes. 

Trevor: What sort of things are they going to learn from Key Box? 

Rod: Well, first of all, a lot of people and we get a lot of calls regarding this is the difference between THC, which is the neutral form, TCHA which is the acid form.  In dry flour the prominent THC molecule is THCA, you're going to see a lot of that product in your dry flower. That's the form that it sits. Now, you won't get that shift from THCA to THC neutral or Delta9, however you want to call it with some kind of decarbonization. Now, on that acid form, if you remember back to chemistry 30 in high school. A Carboxyl group is a as a carbon with a double bond oxygen and an OH. When that decarboxylates when that carboxylic group comes off the THC molecule, it comes off as CO2. So it comes off as a gas. So, then that converts it to THC. That is the psychotropic molecule, THCA is not psychotropic. So when you smoke the product, the incineration of the flower will convert that from THCA to THC. So that's when you'll get that shift, that decarboxylation and you'll inhale the THC molecule and that's when you get the psychotropic effect of THC. CBD and CBG are an acid form. CBC and CBN do not have an acid form. 

Kirk: Yeah. So what happened here, now that's kind of interesting. But what I found also interesting is they give you the THCA and the THC, of course. And you remember how that all happens, right. The decarboxylation of the acid form of THC. You want to explain that to our listeners how that works? 

Trevor: Well, actually, you know what? I'm going to defer to Rod. Rod does an excellent job of talking about what happens when you remove that carbon. A couple of oxygen off of it. Let's go back to Rod. 

Kirk: Sure Ok. 

Rod: There's some math that has to go on there, too, when we determine the total THC. And again, how I talked about when you decarboxylate THCA and that carboxylic group comes off, you actually lose weight, that carbon dioxide molecule that evaporates or leaves as a gas has weight. So, you can't add THCA and THC numbers together, you have to account for that loss on the THCA molecule. So, you have to multiply it by 0.877. So, if you do that and then add it to the THC, that's how you get your total THC and that goes the same for CBD and CBG. 

Trevor: So, Kirk you, we talked about what was in there. We talked about a major minor cannabinoid CBG, CBD. But the other big thing that a lot of people are interested in their cannabis is the terpenes, because depending on how you talk to you, that might even be one of the keys to the entourage effect. And they each seem to have their own medicinal properties as well. So I know you were interested in Rod telling you kind of what's quote unquote normal for the amount of Terpenes in it. So we'll let Rod talk about ranges of Terpenes in someone's sample. 

Kirk: What should someone expect? Like what is a normal terpene concentration in a plant? Is it usually below one. Is it zero point something? 

Rod: That is a that is a great question, Kirk. And I don't know the answer to that because I think each strain, each plant is totally different with a Terpene profiles. So, we see so many different Terpene profiles. It's hard to actually answer that question because each one will have a different profile, meaning the different assortment of Terpene and a different amount. So usually what we're seeing at all, I'm thinking of the total anywhere from one percent up to three percent is usually the average that we're seeing of total Terpene. 

Kirk: So let's just slip back into Stephanie here. When she was talking about taking different samples, when I talked to you earlier about taking different samples, this is where Steffanie kind of explains that for us. 

Stephanie: So if you were to take a bud from the top where the lights are in your room or sunlight, most naturally, it will probably have considerably more THC than the rest of the planet. Not always. But with sampling, you are trying to represent your entire batch of plants, whether they be four plants, one hundred plants, 50 plants. And so just like in pharmaceutical or food, you want to take a fair representative sample, put those together. So that's why you're grinding it up. And then you're basically going to have a number that represents what your plants together are producing rather than just the best part of one of the plants, because that could actually give you data that is not really true to your entire batch of plants. And if you've got four plants, chances are because of the small sample that you have, you're actually getting a very fair representation. With sampling what comes into question is when you do have, say, 50 plants or one hundred plants and you're trying to find you're trying to test for a number that you then want to consistently deliver. So, with sampling cannabis being this really dense, complex plant that has a lot of variables and how the THC can change from the top of the plant to the bottom of the plant and from the sides of the room and also depending on the health of a plant. So, there's so many variables. So, when it comes to having an accurate number, it gets harder as you increase the number of plants and as you increase essentially the batch size because you're trying to capture an average of a living product that has many different numbers, even within one plant. So that is one of the big challenges of this industry today. And we are seeing reflected in the need for high THC and how do you accomplish that and how do you take a fair representative sample and you're also following SOP, you're following how Health Canada said there are a lot of variables to consider. 

Trevor: Yes. So, we're just going to roll back a Sasha now because like you said, he's the one who kind of pivoted. You know, he started with a company that puts on conferences, which obviously is not a not all that viable during a pandemic, but managed to take over a sort of home test, get the Key Box. And I was just interested how that's been, how that's been going, especially during a pandemic. 

Kirk: Well, yeah. And he gets into now that the business is into the States, so are our southern listeners to this program. You have access to this service, Key Box service. So, let's listen to Sasha talk about how his business is growing into the States. 

Sasha: Yeah, definitely. We've been getting a lot more interest in a lot of a lot of questions. And yeah, I think I think we've all seen the grow at home industry is taking off in a very big way. We just actually got the product launched in the US as well. So where we're available in the US and Canada now and yeah, we're seeing we're seeing there is a lot there's a big, big growing community out there and was actually getting bigger. 

Trevor: That's interesting in the US, since it's only legal in certain states, does that mean you're testing lab has to sort of be in the same State as you are so you don't have to mail it over State lines? 

Sasha: What we've done so with the box is once you once you put in your 0.1 Gram sample, the sample is then less than 0.3 percent THC and it is allowed to move around from State to State because then you're shipping under the legal limit there. 

Trevor: Can you still ship to Canada? Could it be shipped from Washington State to the lab in Canada? 

Sasha: No, so we've divided that line. We won't ship it across the international border. So, there's a there's a lab in Washington and California that services the US and obviously Keystone out of Edmonton, services Canada's borders. 

Trevor: Intricacies I would have never thought of. Sorry, Kirk go ahead.

Kirk: So, is that the hemp legislation went through that allows you now to transport across State lines, I wonder? 

Sasha: Correct. Yes. 

Kirk: OK. 

Sasha: So, we're using we're using that that wording that the THCA is below. I believe it's the THCA is below 0.3. 

Kirk: So, what's interesting about this Trevor and kind of get into it is that with the new hemp laws that are happening in this in the United States, which are federal laws, I think this is I think this is where Sasha is getting into the fine and he talks about this. It's that little area where, you know, in federal America, cannabis is illegal, but hemp is not. So if they are transporting 0.3 

Trevor: percent THC, that is allowed to go over State lines because it's not cannabis. So, yeah, just interesting, as I was sort of picturing that he'd have to have a literal lab in every state, which, you know, it's not a big deal if you're talking about California or Washington. But, you know, if you've got to have a lab and each of the 50 states that might make it a little less cost effective. 

Sasha: Things are starting to starting to get traction in the US. I think our biggest challenge will be that shipping, that shipping thing, because it is quite a concern. Right. So also, when the box comes to you in the US, it's very important that you're making sure you're only putting that leveled off spoon and it is 0.1 grams that you put it in to get that right amount and making sure that the box is clean and clear of any cannabis fragments as well. Right. Because if you get a couple of sprinkles of the of cannabis around the box and the box is going to smell, it's going to get opened up and then and then we're going to have a problem. Right. So, it is very important that the box is clean and clear as well. And I think that will be our biggest challenge in the US. 

Kirk: So you have three boxes out now, three services. 

Sasha: Correct. Yes. So, the new one we just added is a more accessible item. It's priced at sixty-five dollars. It's on sale right now, but it only tests a THC level by a color coding. So that only has a 80 percent efficacy. And, you know, it's just a much cheaper way to get access to a THC profiling. And you get three, three tests in that box so you can test three plants for fifty-five dollars right now. But it's only going to give you that THC. You're not going to get the Terpenes and all the other nine cannabinoids. You're not going to find out that information. And then our other two boxes are our premium product, which is for flower and oil. And that's where you're going to get that full lab testing. It's going to go back to the lab. We're going to find out the Terpenes and up to up to 40 Terpenes. So 30 in Canada Terpenes and then 40 in the US. And then I think it's nine Terpenes in Canada and 10 in the US. 

Kirk: All right. And that one that one service, actually, I can do it at home. That the one with the THC only that can do that one at home. Do I have to ship it back to you as well? 

Sasha: Yeah, you can do that one at home and you'll have results in a few minutes on a color-coded chart. It's kind of like testing the water of a pool or a hot tub. You're going to get a different color and then you're going to match it up to the chart. So that's where you're going. You're going to lose accuracy, obviously, because you're looking at a color in a chart and trying to match those up. So it's not going to be as accurate, but it is much more affordable that it's roughly like eighteen dollars a plant to find out roughly the THC level. 

Kirk: Cool. Wrap ups, I guess. Stephanie, do any last words from you and your side of the story? 

Stephanie: Thanks for having us. If anybody would like to know more about testing and has questions about testing outside of the Key Box, they can call our office. We're always happy to chat with clients or people are just curious if you have terpene questions, cannabinoids, microbiology, whatever it would be. And Keystone does service the regulated market. We test for everything that Health Canada and Canada require somewhere a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) lab. 

Rod: The one thing I really want to say is we get a lot of usage from medical users using this. And it's really quite a positive feedback we get from those people that are using that, particularly the cancer patients. We have one particular cancer patient who uses the Key Box diligently. She makes her own flour, creates her own oil. And it's great when she calls us to tell us we have quite a good relationship with her and she calls us and lets us know how her treatments are going, how she's doing with her cancer. A struggle. And the last call I had with her is she has tumors in her lung and those are subsiding and getting smaller. And she really believes that a lot of it is to do with the cannabis, and so that's that is a nice reassuring that we're helping out in that area. So those are really good news stories that we like working with those people and helping them out with everything. 

Trevor: I like good news stories. That's great. Last word to Sasha. 

Sasha: Ya, thanks for having us on. And if you want to learn anything else about the Key Box we are at Key and that's in Canada and the US and that’s all I have. 

Kirk: Well, thank you very much, guys. Thanks, guys. We'll have you on our Web page and mention the discount on the Web page as well. Appreciate it. Your results have allowed me to enjoy my cannabis that much more. Now, Trevor, I should we I'm kind of remiss to tell people this company offers three products, right? They offer a premium flower kit for one hundred and fifty-five bucks. It's on sale right now. They offer a rapid THC, just flower and oil kit for fifty-five bucks. And I think this is the one he's talking about that he does at home. And then they also offer a premium oil kit. So I guess that must be the kit for people that are producing Rosin at home. So, they've got three, three services they provide people. 

Trevor: And the thing I liked about the we'll call it the budget gift, it's not a budget, but you literally doesn't have to be sent anywhere. You just want to know what's going on, on your let's say you're in a province, you can do for four plants and you just want to have an idea of what it is you're growing. You know, the low price kit literally lets you test their check versus the color chart. And you will, you know, is it as accurate as anything back to the lab? No, but it'll give you a good ballpark idea. But what on earth is in my cannabis. 

Kirk: Well, and this might be helpful. This might be helpful for your friend, something as simple as this, so that she knows that when she's baking with her gifted cannabis, that she has X amount of THC in it. So, I think it's a quick one. For me. I really like the fact that I got the flower test kit; the premium. I really liked the fact that I can look through it and see the Terpenes and then smell and go, yeah, I can smell that terpene and and what's also kind of cool and I think anybody that grows cannabis will always say that their home grown is always the best. What's kind of cool about having an understanding of the homegrown I accessed was it’s almost like buying it from the store. But I got more information. I got I got, you know, 13 different cannabinoids. I've got a bunch of Terpene that can look at it and learn. It was quite a learning experience to go through this process. And I think as I as I learn more about it, and hopefully if Manitoba ever becomes a recreational grow province, you know, to learn more about each crop or, you know, people grow, you can test it. So so getting back to Key Box, if you go to our Web page, Key Box is offering discount for listeners of Reefer Medness, and the directions will be on our webpage. Speaking of our Web page, 

Trevor: Kirk, what do you want to say about a webpage? 

Kirk: Essentially, what we've done with our Web page, Trevor, is that we've created a destination. Every episode we have has its own page. It includes transcripts, pictures, if we have them. The research documents that our guests are talking about. I'm hoping that the new format of our Web page will provide us more search hits because our transcripts are all over the place. You can search within the Web page now. So, if you're interested in some and a subject such as cooking, you can just search for cooking. It'll come up. It's a very simplistic approach. You come to the home page, you're given four ways of searching. You can search by subject, by title, by guest, by affiliation. So, we're trying to make our Web page a destination where people can come and find information. So, what about Reefer Medness, the podcast? I'm Kirk Nyquist. I'm the nurse. 

Trevor: I'm Trevor Shewfelt I'm the pharmacist. Another good one. I hope people really, really enjoy this one. 

Kirk: Yeah, another one. Thanks a lot.

Rene: All right. It's Rene back here in the studio. And I guess now it's my turn to contribute. Great show, guys. I'm going to add a song at the end, as we usually do. And as today, the intended release date of E68 is 420. I think we know where this is going. There's only one theme that this song could possibly take. So, I'm going to one of my favorite songs from 1971 Traffic and Light Up or Leave Me Alone.