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S2E8 - The Basement Tape

Did you have that friend of a friend who grew their own in a basement? Kirk goes back to the future. An ACMPR (Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations) legal grower, Paul, shows Kirk how he grows his own medicine! Paul is very environmentally conscious with his worm compost soil, no solvent resins and deep knowledge and respect for the cannabis plant. Plus he is an archivist of different medical strains. Come down the stairs... and learn with Trevor and Kirk.  


This Episode is sponsored by Strain Print

Saturday, 29 December 2018 22:06

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Neil Young
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(Yes we have a SOCAN membership to use these songs all legal and proper like)

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Episode Transcript

Kirk:  OK. So I'm I'm in a guy's basement. So introduce yourself please.

Paul Hi my name Paul. I am the organic prebiotic fruit fermenter cannabis grower ACMPR compliance and I grow cannabis. At my residence and have done so for oh Quite a long time and that's an obsession and probably the only thing I care about.

Kirk:  So we should start off like where this is a legal or illegal word illegal AMCPR homegrow.

Paul: OK. So we have two programs as the old school MMAR program on the men and they are. And that is the older program that is still some people are grandfathered under and then recently they make changes with the Allard decision and we have the AMCPR now which is the newer. I guess progressive approach to the legal kind of cannabis growing at home

Kirk:  So you're legit medicine. You get your own medicine.   And Trevor I'm sitting around soil and around and around living soil huge Paul was showing me his worm farm showing me as nutrients. He basically have. Bins of soil and he's got two rooms and you've got you've got your clone. So explain what I'm seeing here.

Paul: So we do. Now. Generally when you're the AMCPR grower you have starting material so you can either acquire your starting material from an LP which is the route that a lot of people Think they have to go or do go or you know you're lucky enough to kind of be grandfathered in under the old program or have friends or the old program. And you get your gennics from our growers or other growers from I guess the grey market or black markets

Kirk:  It is our underground market of. you are a License grower

Paul:  You see its a very grey area right we're not supposed to be giving or sharing genetics but I mean it's I mean it's just what's been happening since the dawn of growing cannabis as it's a small knit community and you find incredible medicines and incredible work and you're know each other to each other you trust each other and you share these amazing genetic masterpieces that have phenomenal mystical value and it is usually held closely and you just showed amongst your friends and you you all benefit from it so that's what we do here as well we've been holding onto some things that are very important and near and dear to us and have been shared with us from some very generous talented cannabis growers and gurus. So we start there we have a room that keeps our genetic material. And like I said we're no different than the legal LP we test our genetic material for camel profiles and we can test and show those to anyone that wants to what we what we have or what we say we have. And it's also great for us just to have an understanding of why something's affecting us and the way we like it. We can kind of base and look for other cannabiod process and me and see where it needs.

Kirk:  So off air you explained to me Okay you have your clone room. Yeah which is just behind me and you've got your mother room I guess you call it and so you are keeping strains that are of strains like yours and strains in the 70s.

Paul:  We are considered I guess preservation has at times and librarians this kind of community is really craft innately deep crew like we all keep geneitics, Winnipeg when a pig Canada and the world in general I mean there's clone shipping that's been going on for years for 25 years and clones go from one end of our provinces to the other country. This Is a grey area that's been going on but I like I said this is the backbone and what created this entire community was this this group of risk takers and people that believe in this plan so much and believe in its its effects that they take this great financial risk. Freedom rests at risk of losing children property professionals and they take these risks to make sure that these plants are saved and held and cherished and used for the major medicinal benefits that they possess.

Paul:  Cannabis saved my life. And so you know what is your Cannabis of the story. While my cannabis story is kind of interesting so I always dabbled in cannabis in my youth. It was something I enjoyed but I suffered from tremendous anxiety tremendous anxiety debilitating anxiety at times and just a lot of depression and a lot of body image issues and just a lot of issues of just self-worth. And I just struggled a lot and really took a liking to stimulants and things were kind of take away inhibitions so alcohol and. Eventually progressed to cocaine are really really bad. Powdered cocaine habit and was pretty much a goner. You know it was so bad it was stealing stuff from family and friends and lost all my job my property at a condo lost everything and you know finally was able to connect with my family and we were able to stop yelling and fighting and realize that maybe it time to talk and get help. So, I owe that to my family and we are able to get me into AFM program for 30 days and it was life changing and then I was able to get into a 60 day outpatient program full Tamarac and that was the lifesaver for me so it was residential in and out. And then after that through that period I was sober but I was very very unhappy still dealing with all my anxiety still I was just sober so all the anxiety and all the depression and all the things I needed to deal with mentally and I just was trying everything through. You know you're a traditional Western medicine so you know all your SSRI and everything you can think of Paxil Efexor everything to help and nothing really seemed to help her all the side effects were so bad that it just it was terrible I just living very flat and not feeling alive. And then I started meeting a guy who was a gardener and he would take me to this patch this garden he had and he had everything. And in the corner of this garden I mean this was from months of you know these amazing fresh organic grows tomatoes and berries. There was some plant in the corner that I recognized Cannabis obviously and I asked them about it and he said hey it's cannabis of this I grow and from there kind of took on it and I started smoking this organic cannabis once in a while and more and more so ingesting it through some edibles that you would make. And it was the edible experience that really changed my life. And so yeah that just took off and then I became an Avid gardener and then the whole experience with growing my own medicine and food essentially healed me and gave me a reason to really. Live. Happy and I just like I said gravity to cannabis because it's my medicine. It saved my life. And I can with my genetic library in a little bit of manipulation and creativity. I can really cater to my needs and things that really want me to get out of bed in the morning. Right. And I said it's not a. I don't have a debilitating use of cannabis I use just according to my symptoms and as needed so I'm OK.

Paul:  Well see. We do perpetual harvest. So I always have to have a steady flow of something here for me to medicate with so I can run one solid room up just you know put 20 plants in there and all at the same time and just do your traditional flower 12 and 12 and in 10 11 weeks have a garden that I am ready to Medicaid with so I have every every stage of flowering plants in my flowering room plus we grow a lot of exotic plants and hybrids and sativa isn't it because a lot of everything. So everything is kind of on a different schedule and time so we have a pretty interesting flowering room at times with from pure Landry sativa to pure mountain Indica to your elite hybrid cookies are your least. Cut clone only but pretty much everything. So.

Kirk:  So, you have you have your high CBD strains high THC have everything now.

Paul:  Like I said but I can't say enough it's not from just my work. there is amazing community that shares really important things. I'm only here today with half of the things I have here today and the happiness I have because people before me have been so gracious to share their hard work with me on this trust the basis of trust level that we will honor their work who will go through it.

Kirk:  And so now. You are a licensed rower. Yes and you are and you use cannabis medicine. Yes sir. Do you consider yourself an outlaw.

Paul:  Yes yes and no I mean I've been I've been going for almost 20 years almost solid. I would say for 15 years very very obsessed obsessively. And was growing illegally for that entire time I've only been a legal grower for two years now and has to become one under circumstances of dealing with law enforcement. You know it seemed very unethical to me to have to travel out of my province to go see a doctor who I didn't know who didn't really care about any of my past medical history just really wanted to know how much I was willing to pay for a cannabis of a script. Right. And that just seemed unethical to me and just something I was the problem. So we have national cannabis here but this was before. There was nothing here before OK for you to try to even Get a script in the mid 2000s like it was you just call your doctor my doctor would laugh at me and my doctor and I. Our family is very close. We go back you know my mom treating her for and my whole family so they know that the whole story of me getting off of my pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals with cannabis but still reluctant to get me would rather give me a benzodiazepine to help deal with anxiety versus knowing this wonderful nationally grown plant that helps so much.

Kirk:  I have. I have. I don't you know if I can. But I have a friend of mine a. Family member of mine that was off in Victoria with a friend of his and his and his friend they walked into a dispensary and purposely to get a cannabis of his license from it. And it was easy. And this relative just went as a companion right. But he had to be in the room. He had to get his own card. My card but the gave me a card. what the hell was that dad, I just outed him he couldn't believe I didn't want a car. So that's how easy it is. Meanwhile in Manitoba Yeah.

Paul:  And to this day I mean even with NAC and all these people it's popping up. I mean it's still you're dealing with general. Paperwork and stuff I mean it's much easier say about two years ago even when I have got my work. I mean. I had to fight tooth and nail blood and tear to get it the first time I finally got it. I remember it took you know and they're very strict about when you can start your growth. So, you have to wait till you do paperwork. So, I had to wait. You know it took eight months to get my paperwork. While you can't even grow that left him with four months because you have a one year on your screen right four months to go my first crop I mean like what are you supposed to do you came in like Bajor. So there were so many flaws it's starting to kind of ironed out but it was very difficult.

Kirk:  So, let's switch over to legalization. What do you think is going to happen October 17th.

Paul:  Well. What we think so. I mean there's clear division in legalization. There's a clear clear division in where we're going. You have what's considered I guess your your big bad guys are your big bad commercial growers who are the LPs you kind of I mean let's be honest the government has given you. I mean they have put a lot out so I will disagree. I mean I can't even fathom the money these guys put on investors to put out four times. Everyone knows ridiculous restrictions were placed on them and still are like these million dollar saves. There's a lot that they have to go through in my opinion that was absolutely tragic just to be up and running. Yeah but it's the way it was. However, they were given now. I mean this was legalized. Now they're being given. Essentially we break it down this they're going to have the first one year two years completely their own monopoly. So you know the government essentially built the playing field built the arena is supplying the fans and supplying the Stanley Cup so you know have the same winner for two years so these guys are going to clean up the market for the first years. But that was laid out for them and that's what is going to happen. I mean there's no other way about it. We were given two year monopoly to establish themselves shut us out a little bit and gain gain the market. And so that's what's going to happen in our opinion for the first two years. And some would say rightly so they deserve it. They put all that money all that effort all that time. They should make some return on that investment so I don't know we're we're. We feel though what's going to happen is cannabis is so unique and different from from any other I guess recreational method of I don't know the scaping or medicinal more and probably medicinal is people always want to seek out the best cannabis. So, it's not like you know people who just want to have a drink just to get that buzz. Once someone connects with this plant and most users will most people who get into cannabis it comes up a part of the lifestyle. They will always seek out the best. So that is where this demand I think after two years of having this monopoly market things will start being the demand for a more craft craft product.  Now you cannot grow a craft product in a large commercial industrial plant. You can't grow it in these automated pods to the degree that Hands-On grower can grow in in a micro environment.  So we are set apart in that in just the most important part is our quality our quality is better in a micro grow so people will demand that. And I think in two years the market will open up where there will be demand for micrograph cannabis and I think at that point, normalization will occur among society and people will realise really quickly that all the things we were told about and weren't about by our politicians and our police agencies. And all these special interest groups like MADD that listen the society didn't fall apart. The roads are a bloodbath. Our kids are OK. The stigma will die and I think at that point and will finally everyone will finally finally gets to play on the same playing field which is what should have happened from day one because we could have all worked together and done this much much much better but we had to treat a division over profit and that's what it was profit and that is at the end of the day what this entire entire monopolisation is about is profit.

Kirk:  You know it's interesting that you see that though because our research is suggesting and the people are interviewing is that this is harm reduction.

Paul:  While looking Manitoba, As a as a professional health care provider. I won’t say what. You know. We have a harm reduction bill in Manitoba created by our politicians. Now anyone who experiences cannabis is connected to cannabis as any cannabis education and as a member of the cannabis community knows that hey guys cannabis is harm reduction it is harm reduction. So how can you have a bill. For harm reduction that against a substance that is in essence harm reduction itself it saves lives changes lives. Opioid seizures. It just goes on and on and on and on. So to me the approach has been just your usual conservative old school program of just you know browbeat fearmonger scare people into thinking that this is the worst decision we've ever made. As a society when in essence and two years from now I can't wait to look back and just say hey where where's the where's the blood bath on this. On the roads and where's all these psychosis. We were so worried about and concerned about. I mean let's be honest we are using cannabis at the highest rates in the world right now. This Western like our western civilization. North America highest rates amongst our youth to the highest rates amongst our youth and we are being told right now that all once legalization comes in we are in such danger of our children having higher rates of psychosis breaks where are they now where are they now and seen what's the driving we are all medicating them driving as we are right now. There's nothing is going to change and Legalization happens either the fact that the regulations and the penalties and the enforcement is going to be just greater listened to me nothing is going to change everything that you're worried about is happening now and look at it it's fine. All we want are some rights that's it and there is none coming printed more laws than they had before right and this is the folk fester we go to fold fest every year. So we go to folk fest now every year right. We can Medicaid. You know we're all responsible we go away from kids always from the smaller the younger groups and we medicate but we're adults. You know you got plumbers you got food servers you got doctors you got every profession you could imagine from the top to the bottom yeah. Sharing cannabis having a good time you could have a top cop walk by he'll smile at you say hi. Now listen you're a folk fest. This same officer doesn't probably want to but has the ability now to tax revenue by collecting 300 bucks off you for fines for smoking a joint at a folk festival. Yeah it's it's insane. I know. And same with any concert in the city like you go outside to get anywhere you're at a concert you go outside your respectable you go outside you go kind of hideaway spoke a little bit apart to go back into the concert and now you can get three hundred dollar ticket for that nonsense, whereas before 90 percent of the police and forceful would walk by you would not care and even smile and joke with you. But now these poor guys have to be now giving tickets and let's be honest the Winnipeg Police Service is so stressed right now they do such a good job and or are put through so much peril with this methamphetamine outbreak and stuff going on like as if these guys need to be revenue collecting for cannabis. It's insane and it is the thought that because you know it's like your quota vilifies it vilifies these poor guys who have one of the toughest jobs to do. But we get so angry at them and this is just going to make it worse because now again they have to they have to now come and ticket us for smoking pot and you know just like we know it's insane. So it's going to be really sad that this is the way legalization when it's pitting people against people that that already are on rocky ground where we could have just all kind of blended together and just had a harmony finally you know yeah you know.

Kirk: What is dap?  Do you do dap?

Ongoing blended discussion with Kirk and Paul:  So I don't do any concentrates so there's two there's two areas of making your post on Instagram resin so I'm a huge fan of. We like everything natural and I love BHO and solvent extracted concentrate I love them they're amazing and people who make them are just artists and them in their own right. There's some phenomenal work in medicine but I just made the change a while ago. You know just for legal reasons too. You're not really allowed at this point are you solvent so we're kind of stuck at home have you not solidness so there's two methods to solving this. You can do. There's a well there's a few but sift. You can dry sift it really really well cure a dry high grade bud beautiful and you can drop it on SIFF screens with certain microns and even clocked out. And it's just the resin heads which contains all the all the stuff that we love and cherish with cannabis. All the medicine everything that is life and enjoyment in cannabis isn't that beautiful resin head in that our baby resin hunters. We love resin that's the flower that's flower you got flower which is the leaf material and you've got gappy it stalks and you got your resin head which that little ball is balled on top of the mushroom head. Okay that's that resin gland in resin gland is all those amazing amazing volatile oil medincal properties what's I have on the wall there on every plant so want to plant flowers. It produces resin heads. OK. So are THC glands so you can see with a microscope or you can see if they're really Baldus you can see them. And inside that resin gland ne is that that that Terpene oil. So when you disturb it you'll get that resin oil on you. OK. And that is where you find all that the medicine like that is where your medicine is. So. We've all been making hash I mean hash has been since the dawn of candidates. We've been making hash. You know handing have a handful of hash was our old school way and that came off the original the original Handrub hashers. But you know today we've we've had this new school kind of resurgence of some old techniques were. I mean let's be honest blasting tubes and all this dangerous solvent blasting stuff has been going on for for well over 25 years. I remember seeing the methods years ago and in more crude methods but the same thing. And rosin's been going on for a while and rosin is taking. So you have your dry safe method which is screens and and dry dried cannabis and then you have an opposite that you take flour that's been cured but it's maintained at a relative humidity of about sixty two percent 60 percent. And it's again the best the best that you can get. So I always take my flower and my best flower that I grow and I put it in a hash press and I press it a little bit of this stuff into a little bit of a harder press a print press we call it and then I put that print press cannabis flower written in some parchment paper and then I take heat and hydraulic press with plates and I put pressure I put it between two plates and that pressure.  So with the Resin as my press you're pressing the flower in this. Yes. It uses a hydraulic press and you can go from you know your standard to tons to you 20 tons and then you can get pneumatic to if you want to use pneumatic but I use hand lever press here and then you can get these you buy these plates from companies. One of my favorites is shut out to low templates. These guys make outstanding Resin plates and it's a cage plate. So it has a cage to it so it comes down evenly. You just put your flower in between parchment paper after it's been pre pressed. You set your dial to whatever you prefer and you just crank that press down and you slowly slowly bring that press down and you squeeze the cannabis flower brick until all of its natural resins come out through heat and pressure but very little heat because you want to prevent any degradation of the terpenes and then when your medici. A and it's a full spectrum you're pulling everything out of there so you can get almost everything in there that you're looking for. And I prefer Resin because I find it's just a really full spectrum full cannaboid profile and just a really robust end product so entourage that I just love it it's just you know it's and it's just so natural there's will solve and run through it. It's just a natural light. But the thing was Rozsin is if you're going to do. Rozin. Rozin It comes down to the best flowers so if your growing flower that's very average for you want to use average flower or like stuff that isn't top shelf you're going to end up with very average rosin. So I suggest anyone doing Rosin is really take it seriously and really get yourself set out for oppressing the best of the best because that in essence will be the most rewarding and most beneficial to you as well. Yes sir. okay So we have what we call cannabis press. It's very small it's not a big machine it can be held in the house. This is an actual cannabis press this is made to press cannabis All this is just a flop press and the plates are made for cannabis. OK. And we have it on. I like running on a certain temp everyone has their own little guideline of temps I have my little how my little thing that I like. So, we have a press here going to use a flower called flogi. Flogi. its just one of my favorite flowers. This is one of our in-house flavors so smell that what am I smelling. So you like. So it's a very nice tart raspberry Berry. STRAWBERRY Yeah. With like some diesel fuel kits. you get OG . You get the trepentain diesel gas thats OG she is and it's really you see news of tart raspberries strawberry. So this was made by a colleague of mine from the states. We were talking about how genetics move across the borders. Right. So this was made by the original breeders are D.J Short. So he has a historical strain called deejay's Temple flow which has a phenomenal master piece of breeding Ah and that was put in seed form. And so my partner collected a bunch of those and it also bought the very first relief release of Bodey boatie seeds OG. OG and he crossed those two and did a whole bunch of breeding and he put out an F1 line of what we call Flogi and he was kind enough to share with all of us in this skunk crew which is one of our crews and we were able to phenyl hunt find these phenomenal phenyltypes and this one's a cup I think to Shalani what a cup with this one local grower great guy. And it's just seems to be a real local favorite. And this is what we talk about genetics Where you know us craft growers just the access that we have to the genetic pool that LP providers will wont get. Just get for various reasons.  Oh you can throw a lot of money and get a lot of genetics but there's just some people that will give those benefits up unless you have a you know a patient driven focus versus profit. So when you look at that. So genetic so how much. Okay I guess one just trying to think about. So, what makes this what makes this genetic paste the flavor profile we think it's a nomination. So you know it's it's we as genetic hunters and people that are around cannabis plants and run and hunt a lot of cannabis plants and go through our seed stock and run lots of numbers and hunt for years we're always looking for something that really pleases us more so in effect but also in structure and in just visual smell every sense that you can imagine. So how many grams putting there. I'll probably just eye ball it out because I'm. Old school hippy probably through about 12 grams and I guess what that's like back in the day you'd measure with fingers right and the glad bag dime bag nickel bag So this is like you're looking like you put a dime bag there. Easy I'd say we've got 12 grams. Ok yeah 30 grams makes now it's half an ounce so we're going to press this weed. You know this is just so really sticky this really just wonderful natural making aromatic just gorgeous that berry that tart Berry yeah gassy fuel. And like I said 100 percent organically grown. No bottle feeding everything that's gone into it being this plant was either produced by a friend of mine whether it's rabbit poop or you know chicken poo or worm poop from a worm garden fruit fermented vegetation ferments that I did over Summers stinging nettle all sorts of stuff and then we even harvest our local microbes. We do everything in-house so while it's completely sustainable and organic and organic in the sense of how it's done to the compost right down to the compost.

So this is Celsius. You can. It's in. Yes Celsius. OK so you decarbonize this as you're pressing ahead with us why it's so great because of the carbon. I don't the decarb 100 percent which I like because I've been cooking I've been making edibles for like a decade. And like well over a decade daily ingestion of edibles. And so I like I have found that I prefer a combination of truly decarb flower and the less decarb flower. So you get the really heavier effect the true effects of inedible but when decarb a little bit less and add that into your mix that maybe like a 70 30 you get a little bit of a less burnout or a heavy feeling. So you have more of a function. We are unique in our in our edible days because we grow these 20 16 weeks sativa he was so we have like I have edibles that are strictly sativa so they're great for like taking that edible and going for a run or a jog or a workout or or anything like that with absolutely no bad effect and actually quite creativity is inspirational type of an effect. And you know euphoria like just a really nice pleasurable effect. And then at nighttime we have some that are just strictly to put you out an have a good sleep so you can catter you edibles.  And another unfortunate thing that we don't even get to experience this. I've said before over and over again in a podcast you dial in your eye right. You want to talk harm reduction let's not smoke, lets ingest not smoke. Just listen just not smoke. Exactly. One of our doctors said that and also a dark Fender's you know let's not smoke let's let there's other ways of doing it.   OK. So we're going to put this pre pressed puck sitting in between two pieces of parchment paper we are going to lifted up here. So This is not Dabb or is this or is this. This is considered a form of dabs like dabbing is just taking a solvents. That's dateable meaning that it can melt on a nail or a device that's all it means you're just taking your taking. A piece of concentrated and you're smoking it that's all dapping means.  That can encompass many different. So we're just slowly coming down with the press because we want to make sure that even out. We don't go too fast. You see we're just slowly bringing that press down. We don't want a proper parchment paper with the pre press brick. And we're not in any rush because rushing just is never a good thing when you're producing medicine. Now. just slowly pressing until we get a seal which we're out now. And now we're going to open up this press. And we're going to slowly bring now under pressure to see magic. What do you mean bringing down the pressure. here it comes.  So you're looking for optimally 25 percent return. However, some stuff is so good you don't even care if it produces 10 percent. You don't care just love it so much anyway. So about 45 seconds we drop it down. Holy crow that's one that's very warm. But you touch it oh man and so you can press with screens which I don't. You just take a fine little tool which I have and you just pull off the little little pieces of plant matter and then you're left with absolutely stunning stunning medicinal homegrown medicine. Wow. And I mean this is you know a few days worth of just amazing amazing amazing. You can smell it from here. That's amazing. It's just delicious so you know you're what you would eat this. Oh yes you smoke it.  This is for you know like like PRN kind of kind of like when when you have a symptom flare up. This would be what you would use for anxiety and you are havin. anxious kind of moment outward anxiety outbursts or break. And you just have a quick dap of This medicine that you know will bring your anxiety down.

Where is your drying room?  We have I'll show you there's one in here. OK. I was thinking that's the other one here right. This is like. the work, dry room crab my phone so we can get some light.  It's a dark room temp and very regulated environment but I have like I said we've got a couple we do a couple methods here we leave. We do a dark method. We don't do it often we just kind of do it just let it let it dry out on the plant. No not always. We just kind of give it a day of darkness it's maybe just because we're usually overwhelmed. So just that it's usually in a dark room here for a day or two just you know in the dirt still and then we come and cut it. We we do full. We just trim our fan leaves and we hang our plants wet. Well we don't do a wet trim. Not a huge fan of wet trimming just for various reasons. There's two school of thoughts on it. We're just not into wet trimming I mean we like dry trimming so so you know you then take those.

Kirk: Once you trim it do you compost it.

Paul:  yep they feed my worms Worms. That's a beautiful thing about our whole thing here with the organic probiotic growing methods. There's no waste. So, everything I use it goes back into my system.

Kirk:  You don't make bubble hash out of leaves

Ongoing Discussion with Kirk and Paul: I don't tend you because I do so much so much. I do so much Rosin that I don't need to uiltize that and then Rosin's really great. There's a two side win with was and when you use Rosin as a means of your medicine you get all your resin presto.  But then you get all the leftover stuff that's in your plant material and it's already been DiCarb. You get these beautiful cannabis brick I'll show you here. And these. Yes. All right. So those you just put your oil your cannabis or your butter or leather is beautiful. It's like leather. And it's just pressed flour. And so but all decarbs already but all the essence. Not all of it that's a thing like I tend to leave a lot in here just for the reason that I can get double my my bang for my growing at home buck right. Save all that money and get all this extra medicine because now I can have all my edibles which is in essence what I I use daily is edibles. Do you put that into a blender and make a smoothie. We Those two methods you can chop it up coarsely And then I don't like it because it leaves a lot of sediment. I just throw these babies I get a huge container I filled up with coconut oil and I just throw these guys in and I let it simmer for a few hours on a lower temp and fuses. I don't have the decard because it's been decarbed with the heat.  Is there pepper in there? Nope And you know I just Indica, really peppery indica e wow I just I just licked my fingers. literally I have an old school mountain Afghans that is scared of God. And when you trim it literally makes your eyes water from pepper terp. But my eyes are watering touched that and I just licked my fingers touched my finger and I got really old Afgan Northern Lights.  Wow. Well I guess not true Afghanistan but northern lights. Wow OK. So that's what we do. So you know we have every kind of stage here so Like I said everything is professional. its like my farm. I have hops. Yeah I dry my hops the same way and we keep lots of space and you know I got cat gardening's you are safe but no everything's just spaced out and dialed in. Yeah but then I said this is going to be big fear from the government that this is just so unsafe and this is unmatchable this can not happen is my favourite thing to talk about is this ban on growing. I think it's the most ridiculous thing that we've ever heard. I'm quite shameful almost. I mean there was so much that was done wrong. And I you know I keep hearing from everybody you know it's a start it's a start but I mean like we could have done them a much better start than did. I think it was all done by what I think was done by people who don't understand the cannabis culture, well of course right, one thing I do think though that things will normalize things will gel things will relax but for now you're going to get out of this division because like I said there's just been such a hypocritical take and a negative approach taken by some of the LPs against us. But at the same, they're pulling growers from their point genetics from us. They're pulling all our methods. So, at the end of the day it's just a respect thing. Have some respect for the people who were here long before you, who lost so much before you give you what you have today.

The discussion moves onto Kirk asking if Paul wants to get into the industry:

Paul: of course who doesn't want to. But you know and that's what it comes down to. Like so colleagues of ours who have been the black community that jumping out and jumping ship into legitimate LP provided growers and have been called sell outs. I mean that's the route you chose. There's a lot of us that just decided to dig in for a few more years.  My plan is to literally you know there's things in progress but what are the most worst the worst case thing right now that is holding back many of us from getting in, is this whole not being allowed to work and produce cannabis federally legally for sale if you have a criminal record. And most of us have a criminal record related to, I’m talking like not disgusting murder or abuse any type of heinous record, all of us mean we have records for growing cannabis.