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Reefer MEDness - The Podcast

As a registered nurse and pharmacist, we focus our stories on people’s use and perception of cannabis as Reefer Madness, Reefer Medicine, Reefer Mellow.  Our stories explore how communities are changing their understanding of cannabis.  

Our Website is designed to assist with quickly finding stories of interest. Use our drop down menu to find a story of interest; health care providers will benefit by using the topic menu. Within the individual episode pages you will find transcripts, pictures, and links to the related research.

Click Here to Download a Reefer MEDness Poster.
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Medical Cannabis Health Professionals and Recreational Budtenders 

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The ReeferMEDness Team

The Reefer Medness team acknowledges, respects and has the honour of working on lands in Treaty 2 Territory, a treaty that was negotiated and entered into in 1871 at Manitoba House. It is important to recognize that the land on which we’re gathered is the home of the Dakota, Anishinabe, Inninewak , Anishininwag, Dene and Métis peoples. It is on these lands, that prior to European contact, Indigenous peoples established and maintained important trade routes, connected with and lived off the land, and thrived in a culture of language, ceremony, tradition and a sustainable livelihood. 
